My Begining <body>
About Me
Name: Amber
Location: Denison University in Granville, Ohio
Status:Media Technology and the Arts Major with a Studio Art minor
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AIM: SemiCharmedChck
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I am completly wiped out. A muscle in my neck has been pulled, my sinuses are going crazy, I've lost my voice, my entire body aches, my head is constantly throbbing, and I can't get enough sleep.

Saturday - awake from 11am until 11am the next day - but with some napping on the plane
Sunday - slept from 11am until 6ish. was then awake until 5am.
Monday - slept from 5am until 9am, was then awake until 11am the next day
Tuesday - slept from 11am until 4pm, was then awake until 1:30pm the next day
Wednesday - slept from 1:30pm until 6:30pm, was then awake until Noon the next day
Thursday - slept from noon until 5pm, was then awake until 5:30 the next day.
Friday-slept from 5:30pm until 3:30am the next day (I over slept). Was then awake until 6pm the next day.
Saturday - slept from 6pm until 11:00pm, was awake until 7:30am.
Sunday - slept from 7:30am until 10:00am, was then awake until 9:30 on monday when I turned in my project.

Here is my sleeping habits in a ratio form:
171.0 hours awake : 45.5 hours of sleep

that is obscene....

Bloodie Bonnie screamed @ 9:23 AM | top

Friday, April 06, 2007

I just want to go to sleep.

Bloodie Bonnie screamed @ 4:12 PM | top

Thursday, March 29, 2007

I fly out to New York today for an interview with the CEO of PGM Artists. Nervous? A little. Excited? Very. Noah and I are going to try to get tickets to see Conan, so yey!

My life is currently the most stressful, hectic, busy and frantic that it has ever been. But I don't feel like my life is falling down around me. Rather I feel like it is taking flight, or perhaps preparing for take off. I am getting a huge running start, and that cliff of May 13th is coming faster and faster. Pretty soon the earth will fall out from under my feet. But I'm not just leaping and flapping my arms desperatly. I've spent hours, days, weeks, months sleepless toiling away to build myself some wings. It will take a lot of hard work, dedication, creativity, courage, faith and a bit of luck, but I will take flight.

*on a different note: Today I recieved an annoymous CD in my mailbox. It is an album for a celtic rock band - Shillelagh Law. It is awesome, and it has completly made my day! *

Bloodie Bonnie screamed @ 12:18 PM | top

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow....

Okay, so I applied to this competition a few weeks back. The competition is for the opportunity to get an all expense paid trip out to LA to spend the day job shadowing the creators of JibJab. Now, most of you who read this know me, so you probably know that this is right up my ally. I am very interested in getting a job creating viral video and original content for the internet. Well, the competition goes like this: Out of hundreds of applicants, 5 finalists will be chosen. Those finalists then will be given blogs. They will be given three weeks to blog, with a minimum of 2 updates a week and 2 imbeded videos required. After 3 weeks, the blogger who gets the most traffic will then win the trip to LA.

So take a wild guess what my big news is? That's right! I'm a finalist!!!!!!!!

I will defiantly post more information as I get it. The blogs haven't even been set up yet. But as soon as I get it up and running, I will let you guys know. You guys who read this blog are mostly my closest friends. I really need your help if I want to win the trip to LA. Please check the back regularly for updates and help me with ideas for what will make it a really interesting and funny blog. Even if I don't win, I want to use this opportunity to create some really good content and maybe get my name out there. This could potentially be huge for me.

So, I will let you guys know just as soon as I have more information. I'm so excited!!!

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Bloodie Bonnie screamed @ 2:04 PM | top

Friday, February 16, 2007

My birthday was last weekend. During the party I got to hang out with some people who I haven't seen for a long time. While we were talking, they all just seemed so terrified of life after college. They were so reluctant to leave this place, to go out there, to grow up. And yes, part of me is really scared too. It's scary to think that I have no idea what my life will be like 6 months from now. It's scary to think that in just a few months time I will be leaving everything that is familiar and comfortable and going out into the big adult world.

But even more so, I am excited. I am prepared. I am willing and ready to be an adult and to participate in the adult world and to make a change. Why do I suddenly feel so strong and assertive and unafraid for the first time in my life?

It's because of him.

It's knowing that he will be with me that gives me the strength and courage to face all other changes. I'm excited to do things and to make changes, because I know that I will be doing them with him. I'm not afraid of leaving Ohio and moving to a huge strange city where I have very little clue about what I'm doing or where I'm going, because I know that at the end of the hectic crazy day I will be able to be in his arms. The most comfortable, safest, perfect place in the world.

Someone told me that New York and LA can be very lonely places. As long as I'm with him, I can make it anywhere.

Happy Valentine's Day, and I love you.

Bloodie Bonnie screamed @ 1:44 PM | top

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